How To Be Happier & More Content In Your Own Skin
This post is all about how you can be happier and more content in your own skin. Striving to be the best version of yourself can be a lifelong process! Knowing what can help you feel happier in your skin is the first step to being content with your life. Through developing positive affirmations, quitting incessant social media scrolling, working on your body language, ensuring you love the clothes you wear and, embracing your imperfections, is how you’re going to get closer to being happier your own skin!
Also, don’t forget to check out the PRINTABLE OF THE DAY section at the end of our every post!
You can change many things about your life, but your skin is not one of them. This is why you need to learn to be happier in your own skin. The problem is, this is often much easier said than done. Below are a few ways you can learn to be happier in the body you have.
1. Develop Positive Affirmations

Grab a stack of sticky notes and write down all the things you love about yourself. Then place these sticky notes in places where you will find them later. These places could be on your mirror, in your wallet, or even around your desk at work. Then every time you see them, you can be reminded of what an amazing person you are.
Telling yourself you are awesome first thing in the morning can only be beneficial to your mood. Who doesn’t want to start off their morning with that extra bounce in their step?
I’ve got a whole bunch of gorgeous affirmations made up for you! If you wish to check them out, you can download the printable here. There are over 90 cherish yourself affirmations that you can use to tell yourself when you need a little mood booster, or why not use them as journal prompts?
2. Quit Scrolling Social Media

I know how tempting it is to try and emulate what we see on social media, but it creates unrealistic expectations of the human body.
Everyone is striving to be perfect! It’s absolutely disconcerting and unhealthy! Suddenly you can’t post a selfie without at least one filter or go out for dinner without showing your curated plate of food. Even your dog has to look perfect.
If you feel uncomfortable in your skin because of social media, it’s time to stop participating.
Instead, it would be best to find more body-positive media to engage in, such as books, music, and TV shows that make you feel great about who you are.
You could also unfollow accounts that make you feel less than positive about yourself. There is no shame in unfollowing people, who may be popular but are not bringing you joy but bringing you down!
Don’t get sucked into the rabbit hole of looking at influencers’ accounts, that are so aesthetic but more often than not, way too hard to keep up with!
You have every right to feel great about yourself, so if social media is only bringing you anxiety and feelings of envy, stop scrolling!
3. Work On Your Body Language

Believe it or not, your body language can play a huge part in feeling comfortable in your own skin.
Every time you find yourself hunched over with your arms folded, how does this make you feel?
Not very good, right? Exactly.
It’s time to walk with your shoulders pulled back, and your head held high—you’ll be surprised by how much this small change affects your mood.
Get that strut going and feel confident Mama!!
4. Ensure You Love The Clothes You Wear

If you are wearing clothes which don’t make you feel comfortable in your own skin, then it’s time to get clothes that do!
Aim to find clothes that fit you and are flattering for your body. This will help ensure you feel great about yourself.
It can help if, while you are shopping, you resolve not to look at the sizes and rather try on things that look like they will fit you and decide from there.
5. Embrace Your Imperfections

What if you just decided to take a step away from all the competition, all that clamoring for likes and hearts? What if you chose merely to enjoy your life without sharing it with the world?
Here’s how embracing your imperfections, can help you reclaim your life and be happier in your own skin.
- Stop judging
You can decide right now to stop analyzing other people, looking for what’s wrong with their face or their body or their life choices. Refocus your attitude, so you stop seeing a difference as a flaw but as merely something that makes that person unique.
Just let go of the urge to criticize others, and you’ll notice a flow-on effect on how you see yourself.
- Accept your imperfection
Wanting to be the best version of you isn’t the same as being a perfectionist.
A perfectionist is never happy with who they are, how they look, or how they’re doing.
Being your best means you work hard, you try, and you don’t give up. But it doesn’t mean you blame yourself when things aren’t perfect, and you don’t take failure personally.
- Relax and enjoy the process
Perfectionists tend to trip over every little detail and allow imperfections to spoil their lives. When you embrace imperfection as a natural part of life, it frees you up to enjoy the ride.
Obstacles become challenges that make life more enjoyable. You can slow down and notice all the good things there are in your life.
- Adopt imperfection as a way of life
Once you make peace with imperfection, you can be a lot more objective about life. Your perspectives changes, and what once seemed overwhelmingly important suddenly doesn’t matter so much. All experiences become just another aspect of a life lived richly, that build the person you are continually becoming.
Imperfection stops being something to avoid at all costs. Think about it like this: perfection implies stasis, something you achieve and have to tend. It’s fragile and vulnerable. It puts an end to growth. And then what? You don’t want to stop learning and growing and developing, do you? Embracing imperfection means there’s always an opportunity to learn and grow and become a better person.
The Takeaway
Being happier in your own skin is a lifelong journey that almost everyone on this earth must take.
But you can make this task easier on yourself by developing positive affirmations, quitting social media, working on your body language, buying clothes that make you feel confident and embracing your imperfections.
Just don’t forget that being positive about yourself and your body ultimately must come from within.
Printables of the Day:
Telling yourself you are awesome first thing in the morning can only be beneficial to your mood, right?
Download these beautifully designed affirmation cards, that are ready to be printed out and cut up.
Why no laminate them? Just because!
Ready to take your self care routine to the next level? This awesome bundle, with over 25 pages of intentional goodness is going to guide you to elevate your self love.
Click on the download me for free button and get ready to self care like a kick A Mama!!